Instantly Design and Manage Fitness Journeys to Grow Your Fitness Business

  • Sell more Supplements, Memberships, Subscriptions

  • Bring back customers more often

  • Improve your Marketing efforts

  • Automate your fitness business

  • Impress your buyers


Some of our Customers


Customer Data Collection is Automatic

When visitors use your InBody device, they are instantly and automatically added to your Fitmanger CRM for instant access to their new, data-rich fitness profile.


Manage Buyers/


Effortlessly manage Buyer/Member relationships, goals, macros, purchases, and more with a unified view from any device.


Build and track fitness journeys

Efficiently build and guide customers through their fitness journey to create devoted buyers. Whether you’re selling memberships, supplements, personal training, or a smoothie, they're more likely to choose you as their first option, because they can see the results you provide.


Sell supplements and services using science

Once your visitor is clear on where they are going in their journey, you then seamlessly offer products and services to help get them there based on InBody data and progress... right on the screen.


Automate Fitness Challenge Events

Gone are the days when hosting challenges required excessive effort. With our fully automated fitness challenge process, everything from launching, promoting, managing points, leaderboards, and weigh-in reminders is taken care of for you. This way, you can concentrate on serving your customers/members and boosting sales.


Send Customers home with all the magic

All the information you covered with your members/customers is instantly accessible in their Fitmanager account through our app. From goals and macros to InBody results, challenge leaderboards, product stack, our AI logger, and more – it's all conveniently available in one place, keeping their thoughts on your business.


Earn Recurring Revenue with our ai Logger/Planner

Looking to add a revenue stream while saving time for both you and your staff? Look no further! Join our Ai Logger Subscription Program and start building recurring revenue with each customer subscription. With this program, your customers pay a monthly fee for access to an AI assistant, a comprehensive logger for food, activity, and supplements. What's more, it goes beyond that by generating personalized meal plans, workouts, and expert fitness advice, leveraging the power of ChatGPT 4. Get ready for a game-changing opportunity.


Marketing like a boss

Unlock the power of your customers' data-rich profiles all in one place. Seamlessly market to them directly from the same platform.

Leverage the effectiveness of email, push notifications, and SMS to communicate with your customers. Whether it's sending product announcement blasts or engaging in two-way conversations, these channels provide excellent opportunities for effective marketing and customer engagement.


All this magic in a single easy-to-follow in-shop flow on our SmartMirror or your own device.